Ambassadors - 2025
Our professional and enthusiastic group of Ambassadors are the official welcoming committee for the business community served by ChamberWest. Committee members are the team we activate to help us in welcoming new businesses, visiting existing businesses, offering ribbon cuttings, groundbreakings, and re-opening celebrations and other services as requested.
For chamber members interested in joining this great committee, a handshake, great smile, and time are key to finding success in this committee. This committee offers a great way to meet new businesses and connect with existing businesses on behalf of the chamber community. If you like to meet people, have an interest in the business community, and enjoy the camaraderie of a fun group of people, this committee is for you. You also can earn points to win various prizes throughout the year as the Ambassador of the Month! There is a simple application process and then a one-time cost of $125 to cover the cost of an official ChamberWest Ambassador jacket and nametag.
Board of Directors - 2024
As a non-profit 501c 6 organization, ChamberWest is governed by a volunteer based Board of Directors who provide leadership and oversight to the organization. Board Members are nominated to serve for a two year term with the ability to serve for two terms or more if elected by the board to serve in a leadership role. The Executive Committee consists of a Board Chair, a Vice Chair, a Past Chair, and a Secretary/Treasurer. Board nominations typically take place starting in July of each year with the election from the general membership completed by the end of September.
Board of Governors/Board of Directors - 2025
In 2016, ChamberWest added a Board of Governors to provide strategic direction to the Board of Directors and Staff. The Board of Governors is also comprised of volunteers who serve in leadership roles in their organizations and meet bi-monthly on the odd months of the year. Their vision and perspective as leaders in their organizations and in the community are invaluable to the Board of Directors and staff.
Leadership Institute Board of Trustees - 2024/2025
This is a program that has been designed to challenge and engage leaders in professional and personal growth while inspiring an entrepreneurial spirit in building a better community.
Commit to one day a month for ten months. September Orientation and Team Building is a 1-1/2 day program with an overnight stay at the Homestead Resort.
Individuals interested in participating must complete an application to include a signature of support from your employer, and commitment to attend all ten sessions. You must attend at least 80% of the sessions to graduate. Class size is limited to 25 participants. The ChamberWest Leadership Institute Board of Trustees is responsible for creating and executing the curriculum and program.
Women in Business Executive Committee - 2024
Our Women in Business Executive Committee works hard throughout the year to strengthen and promote our Women in Business Program. The Executive Committee Members help to identify and schedule dynamic speakers, as well as promoting businesses throughout the year as well as at our Holiday Social, usually held in December. The Women in Business Executive Committee also plans and executes the Women in Business Spring Conference which is open to women (and men) professionals, complete with keynote speakers and breakout sessions.