WIB Nine & Dine Golf Event

Date and Time
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM MDT
8:00 am - Check-in and Continental Breakfast
8:30 am - Start
11:30 am - Lunch
1:00 pm - Anticipated Conclusion
The Ridge Golf Course
5055 S. Westridge Blvd.
West Valley City
$125 per Golfer before September 1
Fee includes nine holes of golf, golf pro instruction, golf amenity, food and beverages
$150 per Golfer after September 1
Contact Information
Connie Bailey
Send Email

If you have never golfed, have golfed a little, or golfed a lot, join us for a fun and interactive golf scramble event intended to either make you comfortable playing in a foursome, and/or give you the opportunity to enjoy a unique 9 hole scramble event as we work to get more women on the golf course. This is valuable time spent on professional development and networking with colleagues and new friends.