ChamberWest Communication - Announcing Award Finalists - Annual Awards Gala - Leadership Institute and More

As we continue to enjoy one of the hottest summers, we’re turning up the heat on the excitement around the ChamberWest Annual Awards Gala – “Denim & Diamonds”, scheduled for August 28th at the Viridian Event Center! This year’s Hall of Fame Recipient is Rick Clasby, Executive Director of the Utah Trucking Association and the first award for Legislator of the Year will go to Senator Wayne Harper. Having received a record number of award nominations this year, I’m excited to announce the three finalists in four award categories for the ChamberWest Annual Awards!
Please join me in congratulating the award finalists as follows:
Small Business of the Year:
Cameron Construction
Nothing Bundt Cakes-Taylorsville
Business of the Year:
Big-D Construction
Granite Credit Union
Wasatch I.T.
Best Place to Work:
ACE Recycling & Disposal
Markosian Auto
Volunteer of the Year:
Jim Dunnigan – Dunnigan Insurance & Taylorsville Dayzz Chair
Donnielle Schroeder – Indigo Reimagined
Kory Holdaway – KMH Consulting & Government Affairs
Join over 350 attendees for a fun evening recognizing and celebrating business success while spending time with colleagues and friends. We look forward to recognizing the twelve award finalists, announcing the four winners, our Legislator of the Year, and honoring our Hall of Fame Award Recipient. If you are interested in sponsoring this signature ChamberWest event, more information is available at: Gala Sponsorship Opportunities. Tables are filling up fast, so please reach out to a ChamberWest team member for questions or additional information at 801-977-8755. Additional information is available at: CW Annual Awards Gala
Additional Announcements:
- Board of Director Nominations: Today is the last day to submit a nomination for consideration for the ChamberWest Board of Directors. If you are interested and meet the requirements, please take a minute to review and fill out the nomination form and send it to the ChamberWest offices by the end of the day. Access the form at: Board Nomination Application.
- Leadership Institute Program: Applications are available for the 2024/2025 Leadership Institute Program, kicking off on September 18-19. If you have a strong leader in your organization or an up-and-coming leader, consider this impactful and highly acclaimed program. More information and an application are available at: CW Leadership Institute. This program is limited to 30 participants with a maximum of two per organization per year. With funds from the golf tournament raffle, there are two scholarships available for non-profits or small businesses with fewer than 10 employees.
- ChamberWest Survey: If you haven’t already participated, you will be receiving a reminder email with the link to the ChamberWest Membership survey. Please take a few minutes to complete it as we gather information to share with the board for review and consideration. We want to ensure that ChamberWest is delivering on the programs and events our members need.
Remember to mark your calendars for upcoming meetings and major events. Your engagement and participation enrich our community and drive collective success.
Upcoming meetings/events/deadlines:
7/31 – New Member Orientation Meeting
7/31 – Annual Fall Conference Planning Meeting
7/31 – Last day to submit nomination for Board of Directors
8/1 – Legislative Affairs Committee Meeting
8/6 – Gala Planning Committee Meeting
8/7 – Professional Development Committee Meeting
8/13 – Women in Business Professional Growth Series Luncheon – Open to All – Register at: WIB Luncheon
8/14 – Ambassador Committee Meeting
8/15 – Board of Directors Meeting
8/16 – Friday Connections – Open to All – Register at: August Friday Connections
8/21 – Women in Business Executive Committee Meeting
8/28 – Annual Awards Gala – CW Annual Awards Gala
Upcoming 2024 Major Event – Save the Date:
Nov 13 – Fall Conference – 7:00 am – 3:00 pm
Connect with us on social media using #chamberwestutah, and don’t hesitate to reach out to our team if you need assistance or have any questions. Together, we can build a future where our businesses thrive and our collective vision for prosperity becomes a reality.
Warm regards,
Barbara S. Riddle